Monday 22 March 2021

Conservatives in Crisis pleading for help from above!

With Tory support melting away in Northumberland as voters, even hardened Conservatives have begun to tell candidates what they think of their only actions over the last four years with ‘mateism’ sitting front and centre in the Cabinet Office at county hall and the complete and utter lack of action in delivering projects in the townships across the County has become running open wound in their crucified sides.

Our friends in Westminster have broken a story that we expect will be sensationalised and spun out by the top DJ for Northumberland Conservatives, the beleaguered and reputationally damaged Councillor Richard Wearmouth, the stranded chairperson of the bust Tory company ADVANCE Northumberland, which has become a major drain on the coffers of public money being held in reserve to benefit those in greatest need right across the County. 

His Cabinet at County Hall decided to strip out £8M to bail his mess out at ADVANCE Northumberland from Covid finance and when challenged by Labour and Independent Councillors on the matter decided that they would strip it out of Adult Care reserves instead, leaving the most vulnerable in society underfunded in order to pay debt on a company set up and mismanaged by the Tories and its Chairperson over the last three years.

We have been informed that councillor Wearmouth and his cronies have been pestering Ministers and Secretaries of State to help them out of the hole in the ground they have created for themselves by pleading on their bended knees to receive any utterance Government can muster regarding finance for the proposed ‘British Volt’ battery factory that may be built in the river Blyth basin.

Its expected that a pledge of finance will be given to the project, a project that only eight weeks ago the Prime Minister thought was to be built in Anglesey and had to be corrected by his staff that he and his cronies had already steered the plant to the north-east from the two sites earmarked for its construction in Wales to try and protect their red wall wins as the Tory vote was already slipping away in the principality.

Its believed by our contacts that £200M will be pledged and that Councillor Wearmouth will spin this out as a massive election booster for his dispirited and caught out ‘nasty party’ team at County Hall in Morpeth.

Whist reading this and hearing his spin later this week you may be asking how we know this is only a story from the Conservatives and not the real truth?

Well in order to handle Government cash of this magnitude a Council has to press the project and its supporters and they have to undergo a series of tests known as due diligence as you the taxpayer will be held responsible if anything goes wrong.

With the current record of ADVANCE Northumberland and Labours pledge in their manifesto to scrap the company and bring it back in-house, there's plenty to go wrong, the Council officers whose job it is to protect the public purse have engaged an expert in due diligence to carry out the process and as due diligence is what it sounds like, diligent, the results of that work will not be known and reported on to cabinet and Council until after the elections on May 6th.

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