Monday, 22 March 2021

Confused of Cowpen

Stories just like his mates!

I find it quite amazing that the Tories across Blyth have decided to expose the frailties of a system their members redesigned in 2017 to ensure capital projects put forward by Independent and Labour County Councillors get put on the back burner while projects the ruling Tory Group want completed get rushed through.

In criticizing the outgoing Cowpen County Councillor, Susan Davey and accusing her of not spending £55K in her ward shows that on the second policy change made by his mates that of not recording projects until they get underway he is also miles out of kilter.

I contacted Susan who informed me that she has waited to add to her pot to build a new classroom at the Empire School of Boxing, an organisation who has over 250 Blyth children from some of the Country’s most deprived wards through its doors each week when covid hasn’t been stopping play.

Susan said: “Its pathetic that a Tory candidate is acting in such a childish manner when his Group runs the Council and he must not have noticed in his obviously confused state that his Tory cabinet member for Finance still hasn’t spent £55K in his ward and the former Leader of Council Peter Jackson has £31K unnallocated”

The building work at the Boxing School will go ahead as soon as it gets through the planning process”

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