Sunday 22 December 2019

Your bank needs to rescue democracy to ensure their own safety in future.

The expected democratic changes to the way voters are identified in the UK will be introduced during this Parliament.

People will not be able to vote unless they hold picture ID and protection of anyone who uses the postal voting system will only be in place for the next three years and re-registration will be an ongoing tri annual event.

These changes, among many others are designed to ensure millions of voters get cut off from their democratic right to vote in case they do not support the views of the current administration.

Across Europe picture ID cards are issued by Governments to their residents except in Ireland, Demark and the UK. In those euro countries not named, the ID card is used as a form of identity during election periods. This is now to be the method of ID introduced by the UK Government complete with a punitive charge in order that the poor and the younger voter are written off from involvement in UK democracy.

Older voters don’t need to worry too much as Councils provide free bus passes which of course carry picture ID that is welcomed as identification at post offices and official places.

But if the Government wishes to expose democracy as a wicked costly thing and charge people to hold an ID card then why do we the UK residents not ask the organisations who still hold in their safes and lockers over £35 Billion of our cash, given freely to bail out their debts in 2008 when they were caught out gambling on the US free market economy, to pay for our ID cards.

Initial bailout payments of £136.6Bn were given rising to just under £500Bn when the full gambling debt was revealed. Some banks have paid back much of the debt but even with the Governments sell off of the nations 7.7% stake in RBS in 2018 there’s a £27Bn shortfall and with interest accrued on that national debt it leaves us all with a missing £35Bn. There are some 55M people eligible to vote in the UK and since the Tories got into power almost a decade ago on the back of the banking crisis, everyone has to have a bank account. Pensions and Benefits can only be paid through an account, therefore with the banks holding £636 of profit belonging to each and every voter in the UK should they not pay the Tory ransom to protect democracy and ensure they as well as everyone else can benefit in future from a fair and just, open society?

Why not write to your MP and ask? After all they were democratically elected on a non-ID card register.

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