Sunday, 8 December 2019

Northumberland Tory who’s wasting more cash following Auditors criticism.

In an attempt to convince the population of the County that things are getting done, the Deputy Leader of the Tory led Local Government Association and portfolio holder for delivering super-services across parts of the old Castle Morpeth district and Cramlington North to the detriment of all other areas, Glen Sanderson, has decided to waste even more of the Councils hard earned (from the public purse) cash on decorating his sections vehicles ‘blue’, which is seen by many to be a definite politically motivated move during a general election period, known as Purdah which requires to be investigated by the Councils monitoring officer, if it still has one?.

For many years all Council vehicles were coloured yellow. In the first year of Tory austerity the vehicle manufacturers decided to recover some of the cash from reduced sales to Councils by charging extortionately high levels of recompense for yellow paintwork to cover off their losses. The 2009 administration of the County Council decided to simply order white vehicles which did not attract a colour premium. This cash saving methodology was carried on by the last Labour administration which made one slight change by accepting vehicles of any colour into their fleet to extend cash saving further on the public’s behalf.

Recently Northumberland County Council has been seriously criticised by its external auditor for wasting the public’s hard earned cash. The Tories didn’t see eye to eye with his beliefs so the auditor withdrew his team from the authority.

The new vehicle livery designed to improve the Tories feelings in time for the General Election, is an attempt to wallpaper over the cracks appearing in the Tory and Bedlington Independent ranks with only just over a year left before the next elections.

The outlay of the Tories self-pleasurable propaganda is costing an average of £600 per vehicle and as you travel around Northumberland you will see the new livery everywhere and if you happen to stray into the former Castle Morpeth townships of Ponteland, Morpeth Town and the Council deputy leader Councillor Wayne Daley's ward of Cramlington North where you will see these new vehicles in their droves you will get an image in your mind of how much this new form of Tory brain washing is personally costing you the Council Taxpayer and to be honest would much better spent on a new high street for Bedlington or the revival of Blyth Town Centre.


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