Sunday 8 August 2021

Levelling down the North East to help West Country Tories is an abominable policy!


It doesn’t take much to send a shiver down the spine of Tory ministers for them to abandon policy in secret in order to protect their own. We notice that they now think that Northumberland, even though more people voted Conservative than Labour across the County, is no longer to be supported in real terms as they reel from losing a seat in the West Country to the friends they almost fatally damaged, the Lib Dems. 

With the LibDems now climbing all over Jacob Rees Mogg's constituency as poverty grows in Parishes entrapped in his holding and with the proposed Boundary changes expected to gift him even more less well-off areas he is in a panic and to shift cash to support their eccentric friend and protect his riches someone else has to suffer.

Those who will suffer most live here in the North East through the release of a single growth pointer, that more new homes have been developed and sold in the North East than anywhere else in the UK over the last eighteen months, is now the catalyst for change.

The actual fact that this figure simply replaces the data that more people over thirty still lived with their parents in 2019/20 than anywhere else in the UK doesn’t seem to matter and that the cut in stamp duty allowed them to use all their savings as deposits on new homes doesnt seem to have entered the little or is that belittling minds of the Tories in power so Northumberland has to take the strain while the West Country is visited by the banner of St George.

Their first hits have already been determined, with the slashing of the pupil premium at a time when child deprivation and poverty is growing across Northumberland at the fastest rate since the Thatcher era where a school in Ashington has taken the biggest cut in the UK, the offer of cuts to Universal Credit and the slashing of the Tories prime promise to pensioners of their governments full support for the ‘Triple Lock’ about to be abandoned across a County which is home to more pensioners than children its plain to see that they have abandoned the County just as the disgraceful bullying actions of a controversial Tory County Council are about to be exposed and when linked with the shift in Government support including the shelving of East Coast HS2 rail begins to hit home illustrates its the most northern of the North of England who will take the greatest hit to protect those in the West.

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