Sunday 4 April 2021

Who’s going to help you when you need it?


Adult Care going to the dogs.

     Over the last 10 years the Tories have been slashing Adult Care budgets through their austerity programs and now Council’s  fear they can no longer fulfil their obligations in future as the Tory spin doctors turn the public's eye from the needy to the Governments pathetic ‘save the NHS campaign’ designed to blind the public into believing the NHS will help you if you wish to stay in your own home when you get older. That is not their role and the Government knows it!


Its known around 2m older people, are denied help with basic tasks like washing, dressing and eating. Charities helping older people and Labour voices from across the North East accused the Government of failing to act to address the problem, and criticised many councils and the Tory led Local Government Association for failing to speak out on their inability to meet their duties to safeguard older residents. 

A recent survey by the Care and Support Alliance found that three in 10 of those who experienced difficulties with day-to-day activities over the last twelve months had received no support, with a quarter having asked for help but not received it

In Northumberland those Labour Voices have been pointing towards a bleak future as £8m held in reserve to meet the needs of elderly people has been earmarked and moved out to bankroll the Tory’s private company ADVANCE Northumberland a company effectively bust, with its workers only hope to have a Labour administration take over the County Council. Northumberland’s Labour Leader Susan Dungworth has promised to put a trust board in charge of the company and link it closer to the Council to work on real time shovel ready regeneration work on the Councils behalf and pull away from speculative money losing development projects. But this will not save or replace the £8m already wasted by the Tories.

Recently released Government figures show that 17% of Northumberland single female pensioners and 16% of single male pensioners live in poverty and can’t afford to pay for help yet the Tories plan is to increase service charges in this sector well above inflation if returned to office on May 6th.

The North East pensioners association have been lobbying for extra cash for this sector for a number of years and they know the NHS can’t help, so Councils need to join with them and others in the lobbying sector and form a consistent front at least at North of Tyne level locally and keep the interests of the elderly well up the list and in the public eye on the matter of need.

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