Friday 26 March 2021

What is an independent conservative?

In Northumberland, conservatives tend to follow their name and  ensure conservation and conservatism is front and centre in both their thinking and their actions.

Looking around at what the Conservatives with a capital C have conserved over the last four years in which they have run the single unitary county council for Northumberland, in the views of the many they have conserved everything but the Councils cash which they are famous for wasting and delivered nothing of worth anywhere in the County.

The brown and preserved furniture owners who make up Northumberland conservatives in office have ruined the finances of the County Council in support of their cronies and have been accused of corruption following the well reported unlawful suspension of the Council’s Chief Executive.

In Newsham we appear to have a new breed of Conservative who has popped up on a facebook page to tell everyone and anyone who is bothered to listen or read that he is an Independent Conservaitive.

That may be to separate himself from his tarnished cohorts at County Hall or it may be that his furniture isn’t brown enough  or he may have committed the primary sin of being black balled at the Lodge.

This new breed has been openly praising the local Tory MP and to that end we contacted the Labour County Councillor for Newsham Ward, Councillor Deirdre Campbell and asked her opinion, she told us.

Its disappointing that Conservatives have to run and hide behind the independent badge, this man on his social media page is cosying up to Ian Levy MP and therefore a distinction between his politics and the Tory MP’s Levy’s politics is completely clouded in mystery and appears to be welded as one”.

I suspect that he is simply waiting to stand at the post and be whipped by the Tories if he manages to win a seat so the question must be asked if this Tory calling himself an independent conservative is really in for following his name and is CONNING the public at large and the voters in Newsham who have been let down by the Tories at County Hall for the last four years and their Government for the last decade”. 

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