Friday 11 December 2020

Where does Blyth Valley End?

Local MP doesn’t know.

There have been calls for Ian Levy MP Tory MP for Blyth Valley to make a public open apology when he had the gall to announce a new factory planned in the Wansbeck Constituency stating it was a great achievement for Blyth.

The local Labour Party County Councillors, Blyth Croft Ward’s Kath Nisbet and East Sleekburn’s Jeff Gobin are both incensed that the MP for Blyth appeared to have no idea where his constituency ended and that any announcement should have been made by or on behalf of Ian Lavery the MP for Wansbeck.

Jeff Gobin told us, “It appears that Blyth Valley residents have chosen a media pirate who has stolen the kudos from our man for Wansbeck, Ian Lavery MP, to announce a project on the former Power Station site in Cambois that we the local Labour Party had our former  national leader visit five years ago when this battery plant was first revealed as a prospective factory tenant by ARCH the northumberland development company.” “Its shocking that this MP from ower the water has had the gall to break with all expected protocol in announcing an improvement scheme that creates jobs in another constituency and he needs to apologise for his very rude actions.”

Croft Wards Kath Nisbet said “This man the Tory Ian Levy must have read the LibDem handbook as they always claim that they have been involved with anything good whether they have or not”. “I think its great that Wansbeck Constituency is getting a factory to bring employment for 8000 people but when a man voted in as an MP doesn’t know where his constituency ends and he needs to ensure he apologises to Ian Lavery at least if not the whole of the area for his what is possibly deliberate to steal the press faux pas.”


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