Sunday 20 September 2020

. Tory Councillors simply collateral to damage in order to hook in builders as permanent sponsors


This week will see a major split between long serving Conservative Councillors and the Boris Johnson Government as those sitting on silk cushions in rural constituencies, fully Parished and with locked in neighbourhood plans coupled with Local Plans and Core Strategies that have been designed in harmony to keep property prices up and homes in short supply will be expecting that their MP’s will be baying for Dominic Cummings and premier Johnson’s blood and expect a U-Turn on the proposed changes to Planning Law.

The Governments changes include an algorithm to determine the level of new housing in each area its the prime element of the new sweeping changes to planning law being imposed in order to ensure developers and builders continue the money supplies pouring into the coffers of the central party. The assurance builders need is that they will have an unending land supply by being able to develop more and more housing in popular places to develop highly overpriced housing in rural villages and market towns to lock in their returns to shareholders for the next 40yrs until the scope of this planned national policy change runs out.

Testing the proposed algorithm has shown that old Tory Councils will have to supply ever more housing numbers with both Labour held and areas surrounding ‘ex red wall’ MP seats now having to deliver less. The Law changes will also allow urban councils with land shortages to redevelop redundant offices and Council buildings into affordable or social housing stock, the Government would like that to be the norm in town centres to bring back life and vigor to waning high streets whilst in tandem developing a steadier set of family leaning night time economies whilst they continue reaping the bounty from builders who will be developing on former green belt in the Countryside.

But his rural backbenchers, many of whom spent a decade wiping out well entrenched LibDem MP’s particularly in the West Country and the Scottish-English border areas are supporting their Councillors and its known that 40 of them are actively engaged in attempting to develop a coup.

The political media is poised for this activity this week as a U-turn on this matter by Government will see a massive split between the Government, many of its prime sponsors who stand to make £billions and its Party base in the Shire Counties. Any change will bring the Tory grassroots voices into play to remove Johnson from office complete with his ‘Mad Monk’ Cummings and take a chance on losing the massive prosperity of permanent sponsorship to keep them ahead of the game in political cash terms.

Neither a Party split nor the Law changes proposed will please everyone but the winners in this debacle will be the losers over the next two decades at least, so will it be the minion Councillors back in the shires who will be kicked into touch in favour of LibDem and Labour candidates whose popularity growth has shot up while the Country is led by a fool or the developers waiting with baited breath to reap massive harvests for their shareholders for years to come.

Certainly worth a watch.



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