Saturday 1 August 2020

Northumbria PCC Kim McGuinness is right on Youth Unemployment

But the Conservatives are split over Johnson and Cummings Tory alternative.

This week saw Northumbria Police Commissioner correctly express her fears that the Government and employers are and will ignore the plight of young people leaving them hung out to dry on the unemployment register post Covid and Brexit by a Government who don’t care. As one of the Northumberland Laymen I can only agree wholeheartedly with her statements.

Keir Starmer continued on with this debate whilst on a visit to Falmouth to talk with people about the plight of Coastal and Tourist Towns

As a region we have seen our youth left on the shelf for far too long with employers banking training cash and bringing in trained people from overseas to fill vacancies instead of ‘Growing our own’ like most of our European neighbours.

Brexit and the pandemic should have case-hardened the Government into asking the question of why we voted to break up with our Euro neighbours and one of the matters at the top of the list was definitely xenophobia.

Boris Johnson whose prime interest is the City and not the nation and its people has shown his hand on employment and is hell bent on offering further UK jobs to people from abroad with his version of ‘Get BREXIT Done’ being interpreted by big business and the Parliamentary Tories as lets bring in trained people from abroad to save £millions and offer jobs valued at £25,000 and above to a world-wide workplace pool of 590 Million applicants. Its expected that seven million trained people will be offered jobs leaving the youth currently needing the opportunity to train and enter the higher paid jobs market slipping into the low paid sector forever more.

This latest money grabbing exercise by big business and the Tories is seen as treason by the Conservatives who support them and the populous who turned to them deliver a ‘Better Britain’ following BREXIT, including those who’s whose support was based on lets take back our borders.

The right wing supporters e-magazine Conservative Woman has explained the reasons for the widening of the split between the Political Tories and the voting Conservatives in a massively hard hitting set of data which exposes why the bottom has fallen out of Boris Johnson premiership. The lies about his deal and the future of our region is now in the hands of a man who has turned his back on our society.


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