Monday 27 July 2020

Society needs to take a new view on Poverty before tackling Obesity and falsely ‘Saving the NHS’ Again!

Boris Johnson, has now begun a national attack on obesity in a new spin war to ‘Save the NHS’.

We now all know how insincere he, his advisors and the central core of Government have been via the handling of Covid 19 on the subject of saving the NHS.

As a leader of this nation, crumbling before our very eyes it has been reported that he missed attending the high level Cabinet Office Briefing Meetings COBRA when this new virus was being discussed as early as December 2019.

Those who follow social media debate were aware of a nasty version of the flu which was pretty rampant in the East Midlands as early as November 2019.

Commentators on the subject of the Governments handling of this matter believe super-carriers working in the Equestrian and Racing industries spread the virus rapidly around the nation and the top level decision to allow the Cheltenham Festival to take place allowed the flow of the disease to transmit rapidly across Britain and Ireland.

In order to cover his personal inefficiencies and faults his spin team have begun to blame overweight people for the spread of the disease and he has decided to wade in and blame fast food advertising and fat people for the state the nation is in today.

Obesity particularly among children is not the fault of the fault of the fast food industry, its not the fault of fizzy drinks manufactures or those who make biscuits etc., its the fault of the Americanisation and glitzyness of success that has been allowed to ferment underneath society for decades and through successive Governments.

The development of TV media from the early 70’s and the shift from industrial Britain into a money go round service society coincided with the media regularly running stories about the need to ensure your children's safety. Programmes dedicated to the horrors of what can happen if your seen as a BAD parent and let your kids out to play with other poorer kids in the street or at the local park without stringent supervision lowered the activity levels young bodies require to stave off obesity in their young adult life.

That vision was reinforced through the Thatcher ‘Loads a Money’ era when to get what your family needed according to the media and big business both parents had to work, and being on benefits was an indicator that you and yours were from a different society.

Those ideas 50 yrs on, are now deep rooted messages which led to the Tories being able to control society and create the vision of those on benefits were a group who caused the nation to fail in its recovery from the crash caused by the UK banking and tax fiddling crisis. The Governments ramping up of that message allowed Ian Duncan Smith to slash the incomes of those who could not find employment or through illness, or the hand they were dealt with at birth were unable to work.

When linked with premier Johnsons new vision of control over the populous as has been seen through the wearing of face masks by the whole of society if you want to shop for food, is designed to take our mind off the truths behind the matters. He has now decided to paint a picture that society is failing because people are overweight.

Taking our eyes off the ball at this moment in time as the number of people claiming benefits is ramping to an all time high is something we shouldn’t do as his latest attempt at control is actually the removal of personal choice from society much more rapidly than the created fear of spending on our high streets has done and this act of spin is contrary to the honest underlying beliefs of most people. As society we must not decry those who have been put out of work through what is becoming a depression and we must resist now labeling them with the Thatcher version of poverty. They are members of your family or friends and neighbours who are suffering and have been let down by a Government who do not care! They are not letting the nation down, in the same way overweight people are not letting the nation down either.

As a nation we need to look at poverty and the poor in a completely different light and not allow communities or the places we live in be blamed for the current situation and certainly not allow fat to blamed for anything but bad Government messaging when developing a consumer driven society over he last 50yrs.

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