Friday 12 June 2020

We the Laymen would love to see the Northumberland public included in decisions being made by their ‘Secret Council’ but it appears Labour Councils have time for their residents but Tory’s believe they know whats best for you and yours.

Durham County Council consult the public on the management of their ‘Street Space’
Northumberland haven’t bothered!

County Durham Council has begun a full public consultation about how your high streets and street space should look and be managed following the pandemic.

They have offered the public across the County the opportunity to comment and lobby their Council through the following process:

County Durham has been allocated just over £460,000 from the Reopening the high streets safety fund, with the main headings for funding being action plans, information campaigns and changes to the physical environment. It’s not a huge amount of money but if you want to lobby to involve your high street and your council in the process please contact and

They are also consulting the public on how their streets should look:


  • Durham County Council consultation to identify locations where the current street layout could be improved to enable social distancing and to encourage travel by foot and cycle.  The govt announced a national £2 billion COVID response fund to be used to try and facilitate these forms of transport.  Please could you share the information via your social media and other communication methods so that as many people can respond as possible.  The consultation is quick and requires identifying locations on a map and providing notes about the location/issue.

Street Space County Durham consultation
Durham County Council are inviting you to take part in a Street Space County Durham consultation. The consultation runs until 31st July! You can access it through the link above and through the DCC website.
Help us to identify locations in your neighbourhood that you feel need to have additional space provided temporarily to protect public health, by supporting social distancing in public spaces.
We want to encourage people to travel on foot and by bike during the coronavirus restrictions and into recovery. The government has made funding available as part of its emergency response to COVID-19. To enable us to apply for these funding opportunities, we need to know where measures are required. 
Temporary emergency measures using barriers, fencing or bollards could be used to:
·create pop-up cycle lanes
·reduce through traffic on certain roads
·reallocate road space to create wider pavements
·introducing 20 mph streets
·adding extra cycle parking
·remove street 'furniture' like pedestrian guard rails that are no longer required.
The consultation is specifically focussed on emergency measures to address social distancing for people on foot and on bikes. Please do not add long-term aspirational projects as these are not relevant for this consultation.
This online consultation uses Commonplace, an external website.
Please share with your friends, family, neighbours, colleagues, groups and clubs. We want to reach as many people as we can!

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