Sunday 17 May 2020

Distorting History through Denial brings Cramlington Councillors into Question.

The distortion of historical events is something the has happened on a number of well known occasions, usually to hide the awful truth from being run out into the public domain or to have victors vilified during war situations.

The now known facts relating to the US Governments treatment of its native people which led to possibly the best general of his time Chief Sitting Bull organising his troops to beat the US General Custer is one such example. The distorted outcome from Government hailed Custer as hero and Sitting Bull as monster.

The above example may be from a higher league than the story we laymen are sharing with our readership but the outcome is similar, with the reputations of top Northumberland County Councillors being brought into disrepute through the distortion of historical truth.

In 2009 the then Cramlington Parish Council chose to change from from the most minor local government position and emerge like a butterfly as one of the Governments new Town Councils. To embrace this new world status the Council needed to move from having a chairperson to embracing mayoralty.

The then Chairperson of the Council was the well known local Councillor the late Brian Pickering. He stepped up to the plate with the backing of his fellow Councillors and became the First Mayor of Cramlington Town Council an onerous civic job that took up much of his family-time.
Sadly Brian passed away during 2011. In his memory, his family would like to have the Town Council recognise his civic service and his role as the first Mayor of Cramlington.

His passing was announced by the current Deputy Leader of Northumberland County Council, Wayne Daley, who was and still is a Cramlington Town Councillor. His facebook message was also commented on by the current Vice Chairman of the County Council, Barry Flux also a Cramlington Town Councillor.
14th Jan 2011 16:49

Northburn Area – Councillor Wayne Daley and Councillor Helen Welsh.
It is with sadness that I have to announce the death of Conservative Councillor and colleague, Brian Pickering. Brian passed away on Thursday and has been both a borough and town councillor. He until recently was the first ever Mayor of Cramlington & represented Cramlington North ward. Briaan will be sadly missed.

Barry Flux
Brian was the Chairman of BVCA when I was selected as PCC for Blyth Valley in 2008. Brian always cared about cramlington and was well known across the Town.

He was extremely proud and honored to be Cramlington's first ever mayor and for being the first mayor of our town he will always be part of the towns history.
We were honored that Brian and Jean came along to our wedding in 2009, and mine and Pams thoughts go out to Jean and the rest of the family.
We are aware through our lay sources that the denial of the above historical fact has got quite nasty and that the auspicious body that looks after Town and Parish Councils, Northumberland ALC are so involved with trying to resolve the issues and have Brian Pickering remembered as the first mayor they are attempting to go through a resolution procedure.
We lay people think its much simpler than that, the above leading Councillors need to stop acting like US republicans of the 1870’s, put their hands up and repair history by admitting they were wrong.
But will they?

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