Monday 7 October 2019

Government announce 'support promises removal' to organisations through an attack on refugees.

Its only been a couple of weeks since we laymen brought up the issue of the replacement for EU regional and national funding in the form of the UK shared prosperity fund and how we hoped our suspicions that Sajid Javid would claw back huge sums of money from Councils in order to finish off local democracy once and for all if we crash out of Europe would not occur.

Recently our fears were finally upheld through an article in the Guardian newspaper regarding the removal of any future support through the UK shared prosperity fund entitled: No-deal puts refugee funding at risk
The UK Government has told the Refugee Council that, in the event of a no-deal Brexit, millions of pounds of European funding to support vulnerable refugees will be lost. The Council, which was initially assured that the grants would be secure post-Brexit, said the threatened withdrawal was a “disgraceful U-turn.”

This hardening up of the Governments position shows that the supposed ending of austerity was as we always believed a sham and the halt to internal spending for one financial year by Government departments will not happen and austerity still sits in place.

If the nation crashes out of Europe which now seems to be a very likely situation the loss of employment will be immense and we will descend rapidly into recession hence the reason for the announcement of more police officers to be recruited. As the UK spins out of control the cash we should all share will be used to control the people. It looks ever more like the nation will go back in TARDISTIC time to the miners dispute only this time the Government will be fighting women who will be desperate to feed their families.

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