Friday 20 September 2019

The unbelievable Cath Homer extends library austerity an additional two years.

Last week the public across Northumberland were asked by the Comms and Press department of the Council to expect an opportunity to contribute towards a consultation to shape the future of the library service in the County.

Today we learn that this consultation by Northumberland Tories is simply one with a pre-determined outcome in order that they can slash another £200,000 from the service.

Library services nationally have taken some of the most severe hits through the Tories nine year austerity program and have become after the third sector, the most damaged service across most councils yet just two weeks after Tory ministers announce the end of austerity a leading Tory Councillor in Northumberland announces a slash and burn cuts package agreed by the single party Tory cabinet in Northumberland. Cath Homer is seeking a two year cuts package of £100K per year.

Labour attempted to offset the austerity cuts to library services by sharing property costs with Active Northumberland but under the watch of the same Cath Homer, Active Northumberland has slipped into secret privatisation mode and Councillors removed from the board with the workers pension schemes slashed so that in the future, pensioners from Active will not have the same remuneration as their equivalent colleagues in the mainstream Council.

If you have any interest in learning, history or the future education of people from more deprived areas including rural areas, you must ensure that we are wrong and when you complete the current consultation make sure you strongly comment about these further cuts.

We do want to be wrong but we would like to get a bet on that were right.


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