Saturday 14 September 2019

Councils to land grab in Town Centres as Tory Government changes planning policies?

Rumours and the construction trade have been concerned for some time about how the current government will kickstart its regeneration of high streets plans, and as the cowards they are they have decided to blame parents for the need to change planning laws and remove parental responsibility regarding their children’s dietary needs and stop shops being sited near schools.
In the many towns who qualify for future funding to regenerate high streets particularly those on the nation's eatern seaboard, councils have been building new schools near new housing developments over the last twenty years and by coincidence grocery chains also began to move out of town centres in order to gain access to larger sites to develop better car parking space for their customers over the same time period, taking shops ever closer to new schools on new estates.
Not allowing future development of shops within five minutes walk from schools is the desperate camouflage of nanny state cover Tories are using to make sure parents are seen as unable to look after their children’s dietary needs and that shops need to be put back on the high streets away from regular contact with children.
High streets in run down towns have a huge number of commercial landlords who own the vast majority of available space. This new change of planning emphasis from the money grabbing Tories may be sold to landlords and developers as the panacea to get the building trade and commercial property sector moving again using government cash to redevelop high streets and save children from obesity.
Will it happen like that, we think not. Tory Governments have shown over the years to deliver their plans whether it hurts people or not and this new idea could really hurt to commercial property sector as to resite a large store into a town centre will require Councils to use their compulsory purchase powers to assemble land packages to comply with what will become law.
Being on the sidelines as lay people we can watch this flower unfurl and see what nasty insects and nectar sucking Tory donors line their pockets with government cash being made readily available to do so. 

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