Tuesday 20 August 2019

Northumberland’s poor paying for failure of energy competition.

Although Gordon Brown has proven to be possibly the best chancellor of the exchequer the U.K. ever had, during his reign as Prime Minister his Innate ability to keep the nation blanketed in a cloak of safety and security slipped as he tackled the maelstrom of oncoming world recession. The Competition regulators in which he trusted, failed to advise him on change in the energy markets and the cracks that illustrated the end of competition being the panacea that kept the cry for renationalisation at bay were widened greatly following Labours slip from office as the LibDems/Tory alliance let profit flourish before the need to protect the poor from the effects of underlying inflation as Gordon did so well for many years and let the failure of competition eat into the money supply of the poor and low paid leading to the definite have and have-not position the nation holds today.   
The Clegg-Cameron Government took full advantage of the weakening situation for those deemed energy poor, ignoring the increase in poverty in general and politicised the regulatory services promoting the ridiculous blind of ‘switching’ to mask the money making scheme they had inherited due to the extent of the world wide recession.
The highly talented George Osborne used his knowledge of whipping up the media to develop an ever profitable machine to keep the city enthralled whilst developing austerity as a cult ensuring that those who had, got more of the nations wealth ignoring that democratic countries all across the world were growing at a faster rate than Britain and were developing better lives for their poor as U.K. residents slipped into the second tier faster than at any time since Victoria’s reign, the Tories had consigned millions who strove to achieve to the scrap heap whilst countries who once relied on Britain to employ their workforce, Poland being an example, grew their structures in order to help equalise their society in many ways.
In Northumberland the last Labour administration were forced out by the Tories massive use of the advertising tool of false news via social media. Labour had decided to invest heavily in a very futuristic plan to both increase jobs in their most populated areas and ensure that the plans from politicised commerce to profit further by playing up energy shortages were kept at bay in their area by developing the conceptual ‘energy central’ scheme in the river Blyth basin. 
The scheme which was beginning to roll out prior to the 2017 election brings in hydro electricity via a long sea cable from Norway in DC format to ensure it survives the travel at times of need and converts it to AC for the UK and then Norway takes wind sourced energy in return.
The problems of shortages may be resolved but the Governments profiteering from energy will be still felt in Northumberlands homes by anyone who can't afford to deal with their supplier by Direct Debit. The politicisation of the regulators who now have a role to build up the coffers of the Government by fining energy companies at will instead of seeking to ensure competition in the energy markes favours the consumer, will lead to the poor picking up the bill when the energy companies put up charges to recoup their profits. Nationalisation of those markets looks like a good deal considering the percentage of home income that is paid for domestic energy is now higher than before Thatcher brought in the sid advert and sold off the nations assets.

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