Tuesday 6 August 2019

Council taxpayers complain about cost of propaganda.

Council taxpayers from the west of the County have been taking to their keyboards in droves to complain on social media about the six page wraparound issued on last weeks Hexham Courant christening it ‘base propaganda’.

With the Tories losing their grip on the West of the County primarily through the wishy washy publicity clustered around their MP Guy Opperman, his attitude towards the WASPI women and his inability to appeal to the populous of the Tyne Valley at a time when the Tories have changed their PM and have the national media in their pockets while Labour has sat on the fence over BREXIT trying to coax a better deal from Ms May and her team.

The wraparound, centered on the Czar and Czarina of spin, Peter Jackson and Cath Homer who had their painted smiles on show whilst their disciples of dizziness stood rigid as their fairy tale distortion on what they are supposed to have delivered with Council taxpayers cash over the last two years was being exposed to scrutiny by an extremely doubtful public.

The expenditure, however much it cost did nothing to increase MP Opperman’s popularity. Our phone around showed that among women, (almost two thirds of the voting public in the Tyne Valley), Labours mildly eccentric Penny Grennan appealed much more than Guy, as she has shown great courage in talking up women’s issues and the family problems facing those who live in rural areas.

People also told us that the Tory popularity is being questioned in the West of the County, not through their national political position but through the hugely conflicted policies of Czar Peters Council. We were asked why is the Council proposing to invest £millions into developing new schools in the Tyne Valley for academy trusts at a time when we have the lowest birth rate down to 11.1 births per 1000 population from a high of 20.3, since 1947 and the west of the County receiving the highest level of care funding as it houses a extraordinarily large by national standards level of elderly people?.

Many of those responding pointed to the new Northumberland local plan which is geared towards no development in rural areas and asked, ‘as Peter Jackson has designed this conflicting policy and its is linked with the lack of younger families living in the Tynedale area along with the definite shortage of school age children’, when will these new schools be facing closure?.

Probably much sooner than we all think!.


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