Wednesday 26 June 2019

Northumbria PCC Election Kim is the only valid candidate

What a busy day it was yesterday, with Northumberland Conservatives Leader Cllr Peter Jackson and his closest henchmen, attempting to censor all stories and photographs linking the dubious independent candidate Georgina Hill with her Tory supporters from both the North and mid-Northumberland in order that they are not made to look like the fools they are in the eyes of the rest of the regions Tory members by promoting Robbie Moore;

Then we have the LibDem candidate Johnathon Wallace showing off by trying to destroy the PCC set up for the future in order that he gets a shot at the Berwick Parliamentary seat now that the Tories are losing the confidence of their mainstay voters, means that the Labour Candidate Kim McGuinness who's first press release included "The Tories are more concerned with fighting among themselves than making sure our police force have the funds they need to get more cops on the street and keep our communities safe." are the only true words that's been said in this campaign so far, is the only valid candidate in this election.

Ms Georgina Hill the never practicing barrister and ex-Tory press secretary is running on the ticket of 'there's no place for party politics in the PCC' and yet has been shown in a number of photographs living it up with Northumberland Conservatives and on the official Conservative Borderlands Combined Authority press shots clearly has the support of many of her ex pals, leaving Peter Jackson in the lurch as his members desert Robbie for Georgina.

Its well reported on social media that Jackson has been apoplectic and at the Tory Group meeting before Council today,  will, were sure, bully those who have been assisting him to lose face across the region. Hill of course has shown over the last two years how loyal she is to Jackson and her constant attacks against ARCH from her position as the trusted Chair of Audit were blown completely out of the water when Northumbria Police and the external auditor found no criminality in the Council owned company. She poisoned the brand so much even its new Tory derivative Advance Northumberland is suffering the plague she spawned.  Now that her job is done its just another woman to be cast aside by a rich Tory farmer.

We must watch the live video of the Council meeting and see the false faces painted onto the Cabinet members to cover their embarrassment.

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